Thursday, April 13, 2006


I finally got on "" I had to search to find you on there. And then I found Mark....and then I found Doug and then I found people from my High School.

That is way too addictive. The worst part is that I don't have High Speed Internet! My little village near the mountains is behind the power curve and is still dial-up. Everywhere else has it.

I might start one.



Brade said...

you should. I have a page on there.

and of all people "Leenz" found me recently. I had not talked to that vogley in ages. the only downside to myspace is the horrible web design philosophy used to create it. it's like a mid-90's website that happens to be really popular...

Anonymous said...

yay you did it!!!!! it is addicting, and there is no 12 step program. pounders is on there too, and probably a load of girls who have been looking for you, Martha is on there..... love leslie

Anonymous said...

Good to see you have a myspace page now Ed. I agree it is very addictive..I am on quite a maintain my page, post my paintings and love networking with old and new friends, and bands.