Saturday, June 11, 2005

11 Jun 05

I just stopped by the morale tent prior to work to check email/news, etc and we went "alarm red." Basically, this means that there is some sort of mortar or rocket attack--and if you are in a facility like the moral tent you have to sit on the floor against the sandbagged walls. You have to remain there until the all clear siren sounds--which usually takes a half hour or so. I was lucky enough to be at a computer station next to a I sat on the floor with the keyboard in my lap and am typing this posting now.
Things have been going fairly well here at Balad. The flying is about the same. I'll be switching to a daytime flying schedule in about a week. We finally had a squadron down day--and it was filled with meetings and some old pilot traditions that I can't get into now. Anyway, I was named the wingman of the a part of our squadron awards program. That's pretty cool I guess. I've done well as a wingman in the squadron and am being placed in the FLUG (flight lead upgrade program) when I return. This consists of several months of upgrade rides that I'm evaluated on and the end result of it all is that I will be a 4 ship F-16 flight lead. It will be a lot of work and I'm in the process of stuyding everything I can to be as prepared as possible.
I also had a day off yesterday--which was awesome. I slept for over 13 hours...and probably could have slept more if my friend hadn't banged on my door. I went to the gym, turned in some laundry, got some coffee, studied for the FLUG and watched my favorite movie: Oh Brother, Where Art Thou? If you haven't seen this movie, you need to. I think that it's the most well-written and acted screenplay of the last 15yrs or so. Some may disagree..but that's my opinion.
Here's an article about the weather here at Balad
What else? Not much.
See you later..


Anonymous said...

uh..."The Stoned Age"

Congrats "Wing Man of the Month"


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on Wingman of the month!!! And being placed/promoted into the FLUG. Way to go!! The mortar attack...glad you were decently safe and got through. Ha! And at least you were in the moral tent...a more "positive" place to be, I guess...during something like that. Glad you had a good day off. Sleep, laundry, and the movie sounded like an excellent way to unwind. I, too, loved "Oh Brother, Where Art Thou, too." Friends used to say they didn't understand why I liked it a lot. But the parodies and humor is pretty creative, and George Clooney did a great job.
Yep. The weather there IS hotter n' heck. I look at the weather for Bagdad like daily. It's hotter there than here right now, actually. In the past few days, we've been in the mid to upper 90's -- out of the 100's -- so the "cooler weather" has been refreshing. Keep cool, Ed. Stay hydrated. Do they have Gatorade there??

Anonymous said...

Hey Ed,
I finally cleaned my place (good ole' PCS) and found the URL for your Blog. My oh my, you are in the modern age! The site rocks, I wish you would have started it when you first got to Italy back in 2001! Keep taking pics and know that you are in my thoughts every day. I like the "quiet hours" for the pilots...too bad there's never any intel crew rest (sigh!) I am very proud of you...

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Wing man of the Month.

I have another noteworthy movie -- probably beats "Oh Brother..." for screenplay and acting, you might remember it, a little flick titled "Tag Ripper Foot Soldier"


Anonymous said...

Congrats on bein named wingman of the month and for being placed in the FLUG! That is awesome news:) I am glad you were able to have a day of rest as well to catch up on sleep. I haven't yet seen Oh Brother Where Art Thou, but I will sometime soon :) Take care!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Wingie Award....Keep it up bro-

Dan Roberts

Anonymous said...


I still remember that blue eyed, Brad Pitt haired kid who looked over his desk at me in 3rd grade, and I thought this guy will go far and you have. Congratulations on all you have accomplished. Oh, Brother, Where Art Thou?-- back to Greek myths--the epic story of life. You are living your own epic now. I have always told you I look forward to buying your first book. Take care--I think of you often.

Carrol Smith

*~*Michelle*~* said...

Was surfing through blogs and came across yours -- it's very interesting! Congratulations on your recognition!